14 April 2009

Craft 2.0 Wellington

Phew.. after weeks of working towards Craft 2.0 it's all done and dusted, and alas I now have the post madness head cold to prove it. It was an awesome day up in Welly at the New Dowse, there were heaps of people streaming through the doors all day, and everyone was so lovely and friendly. Congrats to Sue for organising another amazing event, I'm now looking forward to the next fair in Christchurch in June!

Thanks to Dave (dreamer on felt) for the photos of my stall, I didn't have time on the day to take any of my own, or for that matter any room in my case for the camera!


Emma - Freedom Creative said...

Hey Mel, thanks for listing my blog on your blog. I need to update mine, so will put yours on my list when I do!
Hope your week is going well, yay for Friday tomorrow.

Mel said...

Hey Emma, no worries! There's nothing like a bit of crafty cross promotion. Will see you at Crafty Business on Monday night. : )